Run: 910 Hare: Short Circuit Venue: Jalan Reko Cohares: ...
It was a cloudy Christmas day with a small group for the run.
The reality was that the run has been ‘instructed’ to be short but it was too short that the runners came in walking after 35mins!
Short Circuit was quick to set up the makan stall with roast ducks, fried noodles, vaddey, curry puffs and watermelon while Chickadee was sponsoring some tasty banana leaf pre-packed nasi lemak.
Circle was conducted short and sweet.

OnOn was held at JPS Jit's house.
(Scribe and pix collage by Nohair)

Next Run: No 911 Date: 01/01/2011 Hare: Fong Siew Venue: Asbadi Quarry Mantin
(Regret Run stie loaitocn cluod not be avedsid in tmie. It is NOT taht the Hrae has not ifnmoerd. It is end of the yaer Mah, no bdoy wkors enhtiustasilcaly. The wembatesr who is wrtiing tihs afetr mnay mnay beres, bievlevs the OnSex has too much of "Eimal" on his mnid.
The Hrae has plneand a spiceal jnoit run wtih the caheptr wehre he is the GM. It is expceetd to be a BIG do. Msot lkiely the rnustie wluod be smorwehee naer Mnaitn twon. Clal the Hrae, or soomene esle wohm you konw is not durnk yet and who wlil gvie you the ceorrct drietcoins.
If you hvae been albe to raed all tihs, tehn you hvae not had enuogh beres, cmoe for Fong Siew's Run and get psised for the strat of the New Yaer.)
Updated 31/12/10: Directions - Make your way to Kajang and head south as to Semenyih. Take the LEKAS Highway from south of Kajang to head towards Pajam/Mantin/Seremban. Exit Mantin and after toll booths, a set of traffic lights - set trip meter to 0. Turn right and onto the Mantin-Seremban trunk road, at Km 6.5 turn right towards Kampung Raya/Kampung Sungai Raya.
The reality was that the run has been ‘instructed’ to be short but it was too short that the runners came in walking after 35mins!
Short Circuit was quick to set up the makan stall with roast ducks, fried noodles, vaddey, curry puffs and watermelon while Chickadee was sponsoring some tasty banana leaf pre-packed nasi lemak.
Circle was conducted short and sweet.

OnOn was held at JPS Jit's house.
(Scribe and pix collage by Nohair)

Next Run: No 911 Date: 01/01/2011 Hare: Fong Siew Venue: Asbadi Quarry Mantin
(Regret Run stie loaitocn cluod not be avedsid in tmie. It is NOT taht the Hrae has not ifnmoerd. It is end of the yaer Mah, no bdoy wkors enhtiustasilcaly. The wembatesr who is wrtiing tihs afetr mnay mnay beres, bievlevs the OnSex has too much of "Eimal" on his mnid.
The Hrae has plneand a spiceal jnoit run wtih the caheptr wehre he is the GM. It is expceetd to be a BIG do. Msot lkiely the rnustie wluod be smorwehee naer Mnaitn twon. Clal the Hrae, or soomene esle wohm you konw is not durnk yet and who wlil gvie you the ceorrct drietcoins.
If you hvae been albe to raed all tihs, tehn you hvae not had enuogh beres, cmoe for Fong Siew's Run and get psised for the strat of the New Yaer.)
Updated 31/12/10: Directions - Make your way to Kajang and head south as to Semenyih. Take the LEKAS Highway from south of Kajang to head towards Pajam/Mantin/Seremban. Exit Mantin and after toll booths, a set of traffic lights - set trip meter to 0. Turn right and onto the Mantin-Seremban trunk road, at Km 6.5 turn right towards Kampung Raya/Kampung Sungai Raya.