Run: 975 Hare: Khoo Kongsi Venue: Bukit Gasing Cohare: Buaya
The Puchong-fraction was back, after missing some runs due to wedding dinners, making the turn-up of hashers to about 25, inclusive some Nokia guests. A few notorious latecomers (like Bandit shy of hills) and NeRDO’s (NeverRunDrinkOnly) made up the number to 30+.
OnOn was called by JPS, the trail as expected went into the bushes straight down the hill all the way to the stream. A first check was broken crossing the stream and up the hill towards the observation tower. Before reaching the tower a backcheck was broken to the right, the trail led along the fence and further to the right parallel to road at the Gasing playground.
Reaching a slope “checking” was called. A small group was back-checking and found connecting paper on a trail leading to the right. OnOn was called, the herd in front running back, only to see the paper ending after a few hundred meters with another check!
What to heck was in the hare’s mind!??
Dipstick checking forward and up after the water pond uphill, Silent Dragon and Thomas forward, other hashers went back to the previous check, Sexy Showman wandering around, maybe thinking of a cigarette break…..and everywhere around R U?...checking….R U?....checking….calls were heard.
After a while everyone had enough of the confusion. Dipstick decided to go further uphill, some others ran back to the earlier check, and Silent Dragon, Clip Clip, Thomas and myself went on forward towards the picnic site under construction, up the hill until we saw the direction to the Indian Temple, down the hill and following the stream until we hit the in-trail and made the last steep climb up to the tower.
Despite the decuf we enjoyed our DIY run about 1hour 10, just nice for a good sweat.
Circle was short, icings for the Hare’s decuf layed paper, Nokia and his Directrice, some NeRDO’s.
OnOn at Chinese restaurant nearby with good food and plenty of beer provided by the hare.
(scribed by Joachim)
Next Run: No 976 Date: 31/03/2012 Hare: Cowlin Venue: Broga Somewhere near here (2.931802749633789,101.92414855957031)