25th Anniversary Run

21 July 2018

Thank You



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Monday, July 24, 2006

Rehashed 20060722

When a run is at Broga, what would one expect? That same majestic hill, or 'Gunung' to some, which provides a magnificent view of the surrounding from the top.

Well it was that same hill but from a different runsite. Though this scribe had climbed this 'botak' many times before, yet still it was a challenge as always. A good climb and a good home run and as is with IceCooling style, a good do. And Oh, not forgetting the T-shirt, the 'jersey' that had come after the world cup. A 1/4 of runners were guests with about 5 being 1st timers. All in all, a great evening.

OnSex, Dipstick, announced that he will not be standing for re-election for OnSex or any other posts but he had to do one job which had eluded him before, to 'ice' bandit. He got his wish.

Next week, GM plus AGM run at Jalan Kacau.

Posted by Bandit

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