25th Anniversary Run

21 July 2018

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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Rehashed 20091003 No Hair

Run: 846 Hare: No Hair Venue: Sg Long (Admiral Park) Cohare: Yee Mai

The hare, No Hair A good number, including about 12 guests, turned up at this long not used runsite. On On called by Jointmaster and all went in down to the ankle deep stream. The papers led across the stream, up and left.

The trail kept going and going without any checks until the papers stopped suddenly. Checking further up, the FROPs found papers leading both to the left and to the right. The trail to the right led to a check up the hill while the papers to the left went down the slippery slope.

When the back pack got to this point, it was 6.45pm and the FROPs were still deciding where to go. Someone, must be a guest, then made a **call** to the hare to confirm the route. It was then known that we had gone in on the out (home) trail.

Got screwed at 'first' check Some decided to continue as a reverse run going down the slope on the left while the back pack felt they had enough and turned back on the trail they came in.

Mr Kilat and some friends who came in late, went in on the correct in-trail up to the 2nd check before turning back.

The FRB was out (though in reverse and no checks to break) about 7.10pm and the back pack reached home about 20mins later.

To know how the run should have been, check out the hare's diary

New boots Kumar and Kim Korean Kim (right) and Kumar (left), a non skin-head from Dengkil, were welcomed as new boots.

As Kim already had a hash name 'No Wing', a name he was assigned by his Korean friends when he fell ill after consuming chicken wings, 'Thuksudi' which means eagle in the Korean language was added on. Hence, Kim will be known as 'Thuksudi No Wing'.

Kumar was baptised 'PJK' which may stand for 'Peria Jarthi Kotai' (big type balls). Hash Name assigning ceremonies were officiated by Song Lau.

On On onsite - Hassan catering.

Next Run: No 847 Date: 10/10/2009 Hare: Dipstick Venue: Mantin

(From Grand Saga (Cheras/Kajang) Highway, continue on the Kajang/Semenyih bypass. Then continue on the Lekas (Kajang/Seremban) highway. Exit at Mantin (last interchange as road to Seremban not completed yet). Pay toll RM4.00. Turn right at traffic lights towards Mantin/Seremban. About 800 metres, turn left onto road to Lenggeng and immediate left to runsite parking by the field)

hare On Down Iced Jointmaster for wrong in-trail
First Timer guests Other guests
Hash named No Wing Hash named PJK
Iced ABC and Ice Cooleng Iced Cowlin - no t shirt

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