25th Anniversary Run

21 July 2018

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Rehashed 20110618 Song Lau

Run: 935 Hare: Song Lau Venue: Kesuma Lakes Cohares: Bulldozer, Guitarman

The show of support for the hare, Song Lau, was good – his birthday run! There were plenty of cars parked at the end of the road with the beer wagon loaded with the ‘good stuff’!

The run started a few minutes late as everyone was engrossed with chit-chats. A check was misleading after running towards the water tank but was broken by the back pack. After that it was so familiar in the OP! All the OP trees were the same height, same size with the terraces looking like almost the same!

There were few hills that we went up and down, there were checks that were difficult as they were long; some confusions over the hill checks as the runners were everywhere and calls were ‘clashing’ due to true trail calls and falsies.

It was the calm middle pack and the wise back pack that all were back to the run site in good time with none got lost! A run and chase that ended in about an hour that got everyone sweat by the tons!

(scribed by No Hair)

Next Run: No 936 Date: 25/06/2011 Hare: Dipstick Venue: Nippon Factory Mantin

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