25th Anniversary Run

21 July 2018

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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Rehashed 20090131

Run: 811 Hare: Stanley Showtime Venue: Bandar Tech (watertank factory site) Co-hares: Rolek

The hare - Showtime
Some found it confusing when they did not notice the sign boards and drove 'happily' to the usual run site to find an 'apropriate' U-Turn sign that was not taken down early enough for the few who was there. A good joke was on this and had the bunch laughing.

The usual in trail from run site brought all 'slow walking' in while talking about the CNY drinks, food and 'youknowhat'. A short climb and a check had the whole bunch packed in one and was broken to the opposite hill. From here on, some of the trails looked like new ones and some areas looked familiar and some not.

Icings of the evening It was not fated to be an easy nor difficult run in this area but some did have a good sweat, for some just nice to wet the balls. "You'll never know what a few good hill climbs and some dekcuf instinct during checking could bring!" but some were complaining about the slippery uphill climbs on the home trai. One even had a fall and by luck, he escaped having his eye poked by some sharpy, 'You must "cheyy meyy or liu" before you pee.'

After run discussion continued with CNY happenings. A group was seen discussing the COW and what it sounds like in Tamil and the different versions of it in Tamil. Later, it was learnt that in Tamil, there are a few words that meant for a cow, an ox, a virgin cow, a calf, so on..... (and later) in Song Lau's "Ox-ford" Tamil dictionary and Bulldozer's "Came-bridge" dictionary provided some good laughs, to rub it in - American Sam and Karu added further to muddle the issue more..all in all it was a COW-Lin instead of 'KauLin' that started the whole thing in the year of the 'madhu'.

Some tickling moments during circle - see pixies.

On-On was at Viagra's cafe. (scribed by No Hair)

Next Run: No 812 Date: 07/02/2009 Occassion: CNY Run Venue: Sri Haneco (drive past the empty shoplots to the fishing ponds)

Circle Circle

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