25th Anniversary Run

21 July 2018

Thank You



Some contents in this site may not be suitable to some immature minds

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Resumption of Runs

After the last run on 14/03/2020 set by Charlie Chickadee at Hight Tech 6, Hululangat H4 resumes weekly runs effective Saturday 19/09/2020. 

Some of the SOP in place are as follows.  

Run start at 5pm. 
Set about 1 hr run. 
No icing. 
Short circle. 
Packed food. 
Beer as usual. 
Run site must be away from public places. 
Aproval from committee of the runsite. 
Time being runsites approved - Chicken farm (lou Err), Broga. Bukit Serdang, High Tech 6. 
By 8.30pm must leave the runsite. 
Hand sanitizer and temperature as usual. 
Mask a MUST. 
Physical distancing required

Saturday, June 10, 2017

25th Anniversary Celebration Run

Date: Saturday 21 July 2018
Fee: RM100

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rehashed 20141108 Matahari

Run: 1112 Hare: Venue: Taman Cabaran Putrajaya Dengkil Cohares:

Next Run: No 1113 Date: 15/11/2014 Hare: Understand Lee Venue: Equine Park Seri Kembangan

Rehashed 20141101 King Kong / Charlie Chikadee

Run: 1111 Hare: King Kong / Charlie Chickadee Venue: Sg Tangkas Cohares:

Next Run: No 1112 Date: 08/11/2014 Hare: Matahari Venue: Taman Cabaran Putrajaya Dengkil

Rehashed 20141025 Eto

Run: 1110 Hare: Eto Venue: Taman Wawasan Puchong Cohares:

(No Run scribe or pictures as yet)

Next Run: No 1111 Date: 01/11/2014 Hare: King Kong / Charlie Chikadee Venue: Sg Tangkas KTM UKM

Monday, December 15, 2014

Rehashed 20141018 ChongCheeYong

Run: 1109 Hare: Chong Chee Yong Venue: Equine Park Seri Kembangan Cohares:

Next Run: No 1110 Date: 25/10/2014 Hare: Eto Ong Venue: Taman Wawasan Puchong

Rehashed 20141011 Jack Kee

Run: 1108 Hare: Jack Kee Venue: Taman Perindustrian Puchong Cohares:

Though the HLH4 sign at the first left was pointing the wrong way (JPS said he stopped and corrected the direction and so did bandit but apparently the sign was not tied tightly and so the wind played a little havoc with it), a big group managed to find the runsite.

There was no warm up as the first climb came in after a 50 meters' walk into the jungle. It was a practically near vertical climb up the burnt out section of the hill. Reaching the top of the hill, which took some about half an hour to reach, the first check.

A back check and from there the trail kept to the fringe of the jungle going in and out of the jungle with a little bit of downs and ups.

The back pack was relieved when the papers finally came out of the jungle and into the housing estate for a long walk on tarmac heading back towards the runsite.    

On On onsite.

Next Run: No 1109 Date: 18/10/2014 Hare: Chong Chee Yong Venue: Equine Park Seri Kembangan

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Rehashed 20141004 Song Lau

Run: 1107 Hare: Song Lau Venue: Sri Haneco Cohares:

(No run report as yet. Pix to be uploaded later)

Next Run: No 1108 Date: 11/10/2014 Hare: Jack Kee Venue:Taman Perindustrian Puchong

Rehashed 20140927 May Wong

Run: 1106 Hare: May Wong Venue: Taman Wawasan Puchong Cohares:

Run started at 6:00 pm sharp. Paper led into the bushes, crossing the little stream and up the hill to the right. In the midst of the climb, the first check made the front runners wonder where to connect, some moved on, myself turned forward to the left, and the slower ones back checked.

After some time I heard on-on calls from down there, but decided to move further up to the path where I immediately hit the second check.

Soon Dipstick was up there, coming, following paper from the left and Charlie Chickadee and others came up the trail from the right. Connecting paper was found straight forward into the bushes. Due to earlier rain the hare tried to avoid hills, now it was quite easy running small trails inside the jungle.

Some more checks were broken quite easily until reaching the highway back to runsite. On the way out Michael and Hash came limping in the out-trail, being too late for the complete run.

(scribed by Joachim)

(Pix to be uploaded later)

Next Run: No 1107 Date: 04/10/2014 Hare: Song Lau Venue: Sri Haneco

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Rehashed 20140920 KenChing

Run: 1105 Hare: Ken Ching Venue: Bukit Gasing Cohares: Kelam Kabut

Live-hare run!

Starting from the Telekom-tower, the pack was eager to catch the hare. Down the hill to the small stream, the first check was quickly broken to the left.

Paper led up the steps at the opposite side, up to the watch-tower where a second check took a bit of time to be broken to the left again. Knowing the terrain quite well I was tempted to follow a path along the fence to catch the hare, but decided not to play foul and stayed on paper.

After a while running forward the paper led uphill to the right, following the highway. The next check took about 15 minutes to break, all chances to catch the hare were gone. F….it, just enjoy the run. Finally check was broken to the left, following a small path towards the suspension bridge. Sago waited there to make sure everybody will pass the bridge to go for the next hills before he himself turned around to the tar road for a quick and easy home-run.

After the bridge the trail went up and down with some steep climbs at the turning point. Still using all possible twists and turns the trail led along the edge to Taman Desa back to the picnic area. From there it was one more hill back to the stream and the last taxing climb up to the temple, a few steps away from the runsite.

First runner out on paper was Cock Pain at 7:20, last runners about 8:00.

Run was rated as good run, Some commented it as ‘mini-ballbreaker-run’ (must have really tiny balls……)

(scribed by Joachim)

Next Run: No 1106 Date: 27/09/2014 Hare: May Wong Venue: Taman wawasan Puchong

Rehashed 20140913 Joachim

Run: 1104 Hare: Joachim Venue: Hash Heritage site Taman TDDI Cohares: Bandit

Runsite was new to HLH4 but not to some members The trails were, however, quite familiar to most.

With Bandit as his co-hare, the Hare avoided any difficult climbs. Some of the FRBs who had ran here before could guess the checks but not familiar CockPain, who went across the fence to the 2nd check point and could not find a way to jump across the high fence.

The hare was trying to keep the out-trail as far away from the tarmac as possible but had no choice as he had Bandit as co-hare, who pleaded with him saying his wife was going in for the run. Anyway, not only did some of the back pack took the tarmac way, back to runsite, a usual front runner also took the tarmac but cut went back into the jungle just before reaching home.

The FRB was out in about 1hr 15mins while JPS completed the run about 40 mins later.

On On on runsite.

Next Run: No 1105 Date: 20/09/2014 Hare: Kenching Venue: Gasing hills

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rehashed 20140906 Aru

Run: 1103 Hare: Aru Venue: Sunway Semenyih Cohares: Munster, Guitarman

There was a last minute change and Aru graciously agreed to set this run at the dusty runsite at Sunway Semenyih.

Again the Temerloh celebration run pulled some of the regulars away. So at the start of this run there were only about twenty going in through the usual in-trail which turned right just before the flats.

The papers winded down to the stream where the first check was laid. Though there were some senior experienced hashers, Dipstick, SK, Joachim, leading the way, it took about 15-20 mins to break this check about 50 metres from the checkpoint.

From here the trail went up and down, keeping in sight the high tension wires on the left. After the turn, the trail went past the three ponds which each had a different coloured water.

The long home trail was all on road through the usual out trail pass the flats. The last out in 1hr 45mins.

New boot Sharon and rejoined Mary, were welcomed.

On On at the restaurant nearby which was three tables affair.

(pictures will be uploaded later)

Next Run: No 1104 Date: 13/09/2014 Hare: Joachim Venue: Hash Heritage Taman Tun (TTDI)

Directions: GPS - N3 8.587; E101 38.013
1. Take Jalan Damansara towards Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI).
2. When you come to the toll (Sprint Highway), take the toll plaza on the left towards TTDI.
3. After paying the RM1 toll, drive towards TTDI and turn right at the 2nd traffic light into Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad. You will see Pizza Hut on your right.
4. Drive straight along this road, with shops on both sides, passing 2 sets of traffic lights. You will see VADS Building (former IBM Tower) further down the road, on your right.
5. Drive straight on to the end of the road, Trellises apartment is on your left and Kiara Green on your right.
6. Turn left into Changkat Abang Haji Openg.
7. Site is up small driveway on left (look out for HLH4 signs here) after approximately 200m.

View Bukit Kiara / TTDI Runsites in a larger map

Friday, September 05, 2014

Rehashed 20140830 James Bond

Run: 1102 Hare: James BondVenue: Bukit Hatamas Cohares:

(Pictures to be uploaded later)

Next Run: No 1103 Date: 06/09/2014 Hare: Aru Venue: Sunway Semenyih

Friday, August 29, 2014

Rehashed 20140823 HennessySoo

Run: 1101 Hare: Hennessy Soo Venue: Bukit Besi Alam Damai Cohares:

(no run scribe or pictures as yet)

Next Run: No 1102Date: 30/08/2014 Hare: James Bond Venue: Bukit Hatamas Cheras

Friday, August 22, 2014

Rehashed 20140816 Bulldozer

Run: 1100 Hare: Bulldozer Venue: Sg Tangkas Cohares:

Some celebration run somewhere robbed this run of some regulars.

The run was a straight forward run which took the trails on the right. Though quite a number of the trails were virgin, there were no hills or difficult checks to hold back the FRBs with them hitting home within the hour.

The last out about 45 mins later.

On On onsite.

(pictures will be uploaded later)

Next Run: No 1101 Date: 23/08/2014 Hare: Hennessy So Venue:Equine Park Sri Kembangan

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Rehashed 20140809 AGM

Run: 1099 Occasion: 21st AGM Hare: Charlie Bicycle Venue: Broga Cohares:

Left the house at 4:30 and thought to have plenty of time to arrive but was taught wrong as I underestimated the post-holiday-road- apocalypse.

Tried several detours and shortcuts until even the car’s navigation system quit working. Bashed my way through the back-roads of Semenyih until finally found back the main road leading to Broga.

6:25 arrived at the runsite, jumped into the running shoes and started following paper leading to the hill across the road. Saw Rat Tail and Abraham from far, they obviously overshot some turn. I was greeted by GPS Jit further uphill the paved road at the tree, he took a rest to enjoy the nice view and tease me of being slower than him.

Paper led into the bushes, further uphill to the left until reaching some clearing. Sagoh came back and explained he was using some shortcut to the temple, but turned around after hitting a durian orchard. I’m not sure whether he was actually hit by a durian or just couldn’t stand the smell….

Got him to follow paper, the trail led around the hill with stunning views to the Semenyih side. Continued to run on a wide, paved trek leading to the steep ascend to the hilltop. From there paper followed the usual ‘motorbike-highway’ down to the premises of Broga temple.

A pile of Durian, Mangosteen and Rambutan arranged by Charly Bicycle were waiting keeping the hashers busy for the next hour.

Song Lau conducted the circle before the new committee was elected facilated by Hantu and ChilliPadi.

(scribed by Joachim)

Next Run: No 1100 Date: 16/08/2014 Hare: Bulldozer Venue:Sungai Tangkas

Friday, August 08, 2014

Rehashed 20140802 Roger

Run: 1098 Hare: Blood Donor Venue: Sri Haneco Cohares: Charlie Chickadee, Sagoh, Pusher, Big Spender, Guat Ling

Good hot weather. In trail from the left up the hill and out thought the right. Well placed back checks kept the FRBs in place for the runners to come out practically together.

On On onsite.

Next Run: No 1099 Date: 09/08/2014 Occasion: AGM Run Venue: Broga

Friday, August 01, 2014

Rehashed 20140726 UI

Run: 1097 Hare: XL UI Venue: Bandar Technology Kajang Cohares: CockPain and a imported co hare

There was another chapter celebrating their 10th Anniversary Run somewhere close by, where only the poles were invited or eligible attend.,So this meant most of our front runners had gone over there leaving with only a hand full to lead and break the checks. At On On call by Long John, about twenty went in from the site near Taman Harmony.

The Hare avoided the first usual climb up the bald hill, probably due to the hot dry weather, and instead went around it to hit the oil palms and the first check. SK , Joachim and Long John were in front to break and soon Long John hit paper but soon called falsie when he saw a break in the trail.

Buaya and Bandit did the back check and soon Bandit hit paper and called On On, but as he had hit it midway, he did not know if the trail was going right or left. Buaya joined and followed paper on the left while Bandit followed the paper on the right before realising it was the home trail. SK, who joined in too felt it was the home trail and so, he went forward to try to break the check up front.

Not hearing any On Calls from the front, Bandit and the the group at the back decided to follow Buaya through the reverse trail, hoping to meet the front runners on their way out. This group soon reached Sg Tangkas where they met the "Front Runners" who were not on paper and on separate trails.

Hitting paper all followed it, doing a reverse run up the Bandar Tech Whore and back home on the in-trail, except for Buaya and Joachim, who, when reaching the 1st check, followed the reverse trail back to Sg Tangkas before realising they were going back in.

when all were out, Cock Pain got a earfull.

Next Run: No 1098 Date: 02/08/2014 Hare: Blood Donor Venue: Sri Haneco

Friday, July 25, 2014

Rehashed 20140719 13th Rotation Run

Run: 1096 Hosts: Cheras H4 Venue: Broga Cohares:

Long run. Fast runners coming out after 2 hours. Not so fast runners coming out after three hours. No need to ask about another category of walkers.

Next Run: No 1097 Date: 26/07/2014 Hare: UI XL Venue: Bandar Technology Kajang

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Rehashed 20140712 Clip Clip

Run: 1095 Hare: Clip Clip Venue: Bukit Gasing Cohares: Munster, Eto, Ta ada Air

Next Run: No 1096 Date: 19/07/2014 Occasion: 13th Rotation Run Hosted by Cheras H4 Venue: Dewan Serbaguna Broga